Thursday, December 6, 2007


This one's for Dave!

Kinda tired the last couple of days, but trying to keep my normal routine bedtime and get up around the same time. Not sure if it's because of my weird sleeping woes or the treatment. I'm not normally a tired person - I usually have enough energy to run a small city!

1 comment:

Penny said...

Roll with it, my friend. Don't fight the tired feeling and don't try to analyze it too much. I've been in contact with a few people in the medical community these last few days, getting feedback on what's "normal" and when I can expect to feel more like I used to. Bottom line is it's going to take a lot of time, and heading into radiation next week is going to slow the recent progress. They all remind me to just listen to my body and react to what it needs at the moment. Sometimes that's rest, sometimes it's a dirty vodka martini (!!!) Small cities will still be there, and we all want you there too, but when you're really ready. You spend your day caring for others--let go and let others take care of you. XOXOX