Monday, November 3, 2008


In the last week:
  • I've spent countless hours at the hospital - (my individual is doing better, will come home in a few weeks or less)
  • Missed 2 of my Dr. doctor appointments (totally like viiiiip - over my head)
  • Failed my first Litigation test at school (This is what happens when you do not study!)
  • Been buried in homework (Nothing new, I feel like I am in Law School)
  • Took down all of my Halloween decor (Time to move on to Thanksgiving decor now!)
  • Bought new walking shoes (Bob's Stores totally has a huge sale going on!)
  • Meant to go to Weight Watchers today to join (I AM SO FAT & SICK OF IT!)
  • Missed both of my aqua aerobics classes (I WILL GO TOMORROW, I WILL GO TOMORROW, I WILL GO TOMORROW)
  • Wanted to scrapbook (my mojo is totally in the shitter)
  • Am yet to take my VT pics off my cameras (My friends are bitchin'!)
  • My friend found her dog that had been on the run for 3 weeks in Reading
The good news is, tomorrow is Election Day! I am so excited! Let's get this show on the road already!!!

1 comment:

Penny said...

Goodness, you're in a tough place. Here's a cyber hug {<<<>>>}.